30 Aug Healing takes Time…
In my counselling and coaching practise, we are often to remind ourselves and our clients that :
Healing takes time
Healing means working really hard
>>> I hope and pray that today will be the start of a journey to being kinder, more patient, gentler, and more understanding of yourself. Self awareness. You deserve it. We all do <<<
I think that healing is much more painful than getting hurt. Getting hurt happens in an instant. It hurts like hell, but then the pain subsides.
The initial shock wears off.
Then there’s a grey period, a period of nothingness really. And then comes the monster. The time during which you are supposed to get better; the time during which you are supposed to heal.
Healing takes time. Healing means hanging on when you feel as though there is nothing to hold on to. Healing means facing all of your fears and being vulnerable to all of the pain moving through your body.
And healing means working really hard.
Every single second of every single day. It means trying to smile when deep down your world has been torn apart. And the hardest part of all is not giving up.
When you feel as though your heart is going to implode, or when you feel nauseous from all of the pain inside of you, you somehow have to keep going. You have to pretend you are okay and simply put on a brave face, even though you’re not going to feel okay, at least not right away 🦋
[source : unknown / forwarded message]
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